Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Doctor is...out?

Department of Radiology

Our first main day at the hospital was Thursday, September 1. We were very disappointed to arrive at the hospital on Wednesday only to find out many were celebrating Eid, and out of the hospital.  Most Kenyans are not Muslim, so the fact this was a holiday was some what amusing.  It seems the radiologist are still on "holiday" today, but we were able to get in and greet many other members of the "department."  

It is taking me a bit of time to become more comfortable with photographing the hospital and the people there. I found after a few minutes walking around with a camera everyone wanted to be photographed! So I became a part-time portrait photographer this afternoon. Not my forte, but they all seemed thrilled.

If you have not ever had the necessity to visit the radiology department of your local hospital, the next time you are in you might notice the differences.

This is the main radiology office where everyone works and reads studies

Even if you have visited your local radiology department, you might not have ever met your radiologist.  They are there, just hiding.  Unfortunately, we're afraid the doctors in Kenya might not realize they were supposed to come in again after this February work schedule expired.

Notice the door leaning on the wall to the left.  The techs hold this up while they stand behind this wall to help shield themselves from the radiation.

Reports are hand written on the back of these request reports after studies are read.

Cashier's office to pay for your service

1 comment:

  1. All of those hand written forms cannot help with the strict HIPAA regulations I am sure Kenya has.
